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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hillary Sinking Faster Than The Titanic?

I ask Democrats, is this your nominee? The winner of your presidential nomination has lost just shy of 80 percent of her races coming down the homestretch. If Hillary were a racehorse with that record, she’d be sent home.

The FBI is closing in. No matter how many times Hillary or her delusional aides claim the investigation is only a “security inquiry” it doesn't change reality.
FBI Director Comey recently set them straight. Turns out the FBI doesn’t do “security inquiries.” Hillary is the subject of a “criminal investigation".

Worse, there’s the new disclosure that Bill took 26 flights on a sex offender’s plane, an aircraft actually called “The Lolita Express.” It flew nonstop to “Orgy Island” where old men cavorted with young (13 to 15-year old) girls. Bill flew five times on this aircraft without his Secret Service detail. This isn’t a scandal, it’s a disaster for Hillary.

Friday, May 20, 2016

New York will allow some undocumented immigrants to teach and practice medicine

The state of New York will allow some undocumented immigrants to teach and practice medicine after the state’s licensing board voted Tuesday to accept applications from immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

California, Florida and Nevada also have eased some licensing restrictions.

A public comment period that followed preliminary approval of the regulations in February also generated several opposing views. Some said the Regents should have first expedited the professional licensing process for military spouses, while others said immigrants who are in the country illegally shouldn't be licensed to teach when there are American-born teachers who are out of work.

Read more:

Elmhurst Police Take Axe From Boy Trying to Build Fort

Elmhurst, IL - A Fiskars wood axe, a rusted machete and a roofer's axe were confiscated May 5 from a teenage boy.

A concerned person called police to report the boy was chopping wood around 12:25 p.m. along the prairie path, according to Elmhurst police.

The boy was found chopping wood that had already fallen near Cottage Hill and Seminole Avenue. He said he was trying to build a fort for him and his friends, police reported.

Police took the tools for safekeeping to be returned to the boy's parents.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

2nd Amendment bulldozed in California

California has become a liberal wasteland when it comes to backwards policies and the Democrats have been in charge for 50 years with no end in sight.

When you put Democrats in charge for long periods of time like that you end up with massive regulations, exploding and unsustainable spending, and ridiculous violations of the Constitution.

California is no exception especially when it comes to guns.

Check out this laundry list of gun regulations that have been passed just recently.

Ammunition regulation: SB 1235 by Senate leader Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) requires background checks to buy ammunition. It also creates a license to sell ammunition, and creates a new system for collecting information about those sales.

Ban on large ammunition magazines: SB 1446 by Sen. Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley) bans the ownership of any ammunition clip that holds more than 10 rounds.

Bullet buttons: SB 880 by Sen.Isadore Hall (D-Compton) expands the legal definition of an “assualt weapon” to include a group of rifles with ammunition clips that can be quickly swapped out by using a bullet to push a small release button.

SB 894 by Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) requires reporting most lost or stolen guns within five days.

“Ghost guns”: SB 1407 by De León requires a person to get a serial number from state officials before making or assembling a gun.

Gun violence research: SB 1006 by Sen. Lois Wolk (D-Davis) creates a new University of California center for researching gun-related violence.

Two other bills, both of which originated in the Assembly, were amended by Senate Democrats.

Gun theft: AB 1176 would make the theft of a gun a felony, a change in the 2014 law passed by voters as Proposition 47. As such, this proposal would have to be approved by voters on the Nov. 8 statewide ballot.

Gun lending: AB 1511 places tighter rules on lending someone a gun — limiting those loans to family members or a licensed hunter.

University of Toronto "Gender Neutral" Shower Photos

Who thought this was a good idea?

Two innocent college females were filmed on separate occasions taking showers at the University of Toronto.

The film's "director" was a male student who legally entered the "gender neutral" shower with his cell phone.

Make your own soap in 24 hrs in a crockpot

Ever wanted to make your own soap? Thought it was too slow or complicated? Here’s a fast and easy method using a “hot process” in your typical crockpot. A cheap digital scale for about $15 and you are in business!

12-18 big bars of natural soap for less than $10 in your crockpot. Video and instructions, it's fast and easy.

Judge rules Kansas cannot require citizenship proof to vote

Ok, let's try to understand this. Only citizens are allowed to vote, but it's illegal to require proof that they are eligible to vote? How does this even compute?

A judge said Tuesday that Kansas can't require people to show proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote for federal elections at motor vehicle offices.

U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson ruled that the state's proof-of-citizenship requirements likely violate a provision in the National Voter Registration Act that requires only "minimal information" to determine a voter's eligibility. She ordered Kansas to register thousands of voters whose paperwork is on hold because they did not comply with the requirement.

NOW President: Babies Won’t Die so Much if We Kill Them Before They Die

National Organization for Women (NOW) president Terry O’Neill published an editorial on the Huffington Post today entitled, “Abortion, Like Contraception, Is Essential Health Care That Saves Lives.”

From a public health point of view, abortion care, no less than contraception, is an essential measure to prevent the heartbreak of infant mortality . . .

Prevent the heartbreak of infant mortality? Abortion is Infant Mortality!

Obama Spending Millions of Tax Dollars on Summer Jobs for Refugees

So, instead of creating jobs for Americans .....

A new report reveals that President Obama is throwing the weight of the federal government behind a program to secure summer jobs for hundreds of “refugees” brought into the U.S. by the President’s refugee program guided by the United Nations.

Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops “Sharia Court”

This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.
In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Read more:

South Carolina lawmakers approve bill banning abortion after 19 weeks

The South Carolina Legislature passed a bill Tuesday prohibiting abortion after 19 weeks, becoming the 17th state to pass the restrictive ban.

The legislation will now head to Gov. Nikki Haley's desk. The Republican said in March she will almost certainly sign it, but wants to look at the details once it reaches her.

Similar laws are in effect in 12 states.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


There's evil. There's real evil. And there's Hillary Clinton.
When the Free Beacon published tapes in which Hillary Clinton laughed cheerfully about a case in which she got a child rapist off, ordinary people had a glimpse into the twisted mind of a woman who keeps claiming to be a role model for young girls.
Hillary's tactics including accusing a 12-year-old girl who had been savagely beaten and raped, in fine legal language, of being a mentally ill slut. The tapes were shocking even for her supporters. They revealed a complete lack of empathy and Hillary's willingness to do absolutely anything to win.

Raising Chickens for Survival

Eggs or Meat?
Over the past several generations, chickens have been selectively bred to either grow fast and put on lots of meat quickly or crank out eggs like a Pez dispenser. The problem with this specialization of breeds is that it has created fragile, problem prone chickens. The modern breeds require high octane specialized feed and even then suffer from leg crippling problems and deformities. Also problematic is the fact that modern meat birds can no longer mate naturally and must be artificially inseminated to reproduce. This is not a good scenario if you are trying provide your family with a sustainable source of fresh meat when you can no longer swing by the grocery store for some plastic-wrapped boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

Ready, Set, Go
To have any hope of realistically raising chickens for meat or eggs in a survival situation there are several factors that must be addressed. Don’t even hope to be able to do any of this after everything goes to heck – you must get started and you must start now.

Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get more welfare than American families

Illegal immigrant households receive an average of $5,692 in federal welfare benefits every year, far more than the average "native" American household, at $4,431, according to a new report on the cost of immigration released Monday.
The Center for Immigration Studies, in an analysis of federal cost figures, found that all immigrant-headed households — legal and illegal — receive an average of $6,241 in welfare, 41 percent more than native households. As with Americans receiving benefits such as food stamps and cash, much of the welfare to immigrants supplements their low wage jobs.

Poll: No, Mr. President, you would not win a third term

In his recent trip to Africa, Obama said, "I actually think I'm a pretty good president." Then he added, "I think if I ran I could win. But I can't. ... The law is the law, and no one person is above the law, not even the president."

Well, this is a far cry from "I have a phone and a pen", but this goes to show he shouldn't think, he not equipped for it:

Rasmussen Reports on Friday released a poll showing that just one third of likely U.S voters would keep President Obama in office if he ran again. Even among Democrats, only 57 percent would vote for him a third time. 

I weep for the nation that that many are breathing, and voting.

Sen. Cruz Honors Law Enforcement Officers

“It is a privilege to join my Senate colleagues in cosponsoring this bipartisan measure, which commemorates National Police Week 2016, and I hope all Texans will join me in honoring the lives of the fallen heroes lost in the last year,” Sen. Cruz said. “I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), the Fraternal Order of Police/Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary (FOP/FOPA), and Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) for their tireless work as lead organizers of National Police Week. To the brave law enforcement officers in Texas and across the United States, thank you for all that you do.”

Eric Fanning, First Openly Gay Army Secretary, Confirmed by U.S. Senate

Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, and now the USA. Another step in the wrong direction:
"In another historic (?) moment for the Obama administration, the Senate on Tuesday evening confirmed the long-stalled nomination of Eric Fanning to be Army secretary.
Fanning becomes the first openly gay leader of any U.S. military service — a milestone not lost on gay rights groups, coming five years after the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," which had prohibited gay and lesbian service members from being open about their sexuality."

Dems' new fear: Sanders revolt could upend Democratic convention

It's ok when dems do this to republicans, but it's shocking when they do ti to themselves:

(CNN)Sen. Barbara Boxer, a veteran of Democratic politics, says she never saw anything quite like this before.
Loud cursing, shouting, obscene gestures and vile insults, including crude comments about the female anatomy. It was all on display over the weekend as supporters of Bernie Sanders turned the Nevada State Democratic Convention into chaos.
    "I was not able to stop these people for doing what they did," Boxer, a Hillary Clinton supporter, told CNN. "Apparently they've done it before. .... This group of about 100 were very vocal, and I can't describe it -- disrespectful doesn't even explain it, it was worse than that."



    Obama planned to have the DOJ/DOE issue a letter/EO/decree which will warn every school district in the country that they have to open their bathrooms up to transgenders or risk lawsuits and lose funding. The letter has no “force of law”… but one Texas school superintendent is  NOT happy.

    “In short, only Congress—not an agency—has the constitutional authority to impose restrictions on States that receive federal funds…The term ‘gender identity’ is nowhere in Title IX. And the policy admits that it is a federal agency that is attempting to read that phrase into the statute, which it lacks the constitutional authority to do. We sincerely hope you will access these deficiencies in the transgender policy and more as the board deliberates its next steps.” Ken Paxton

    It would appear that Texas is hunkering down and fighting back, once again resisting tyranny, as they have in the past. Hopefully, this time they will not be standing alone. Remember the Alamo! 

    How fast can the U.S. fall? Consider the U.S.S.R.

    I’m just old enough to vividly recall a world in which the Soviet Union was the great, terrible and sure to be around for a very, very long time “evil empire”. A great deal of American and global culture was shaped around the “fact” of Soviet vitality and strength.

    For my entire childhood and into my high school years, the Soviet Union was a sad fact of life; an ulgly part of reality that had every appearance of going on forever and, quite possibly, taking over the world.

    At least that was the spin we were fed by pagan propagandists at every turn for generations in America, going back many decades before I was even born. The Soviets Union was huge – it covered about 1/6 of the surface of the earth – and it had a gigantic military that was seemingly on the march here, there and everywhere. Its more overtly communistic brand of Statism was heralded as a beautiful and unstoppable force by intellectuals throughout the West. Its power was the object of awestruck adoration and admiration from even the majority of those who hated its core identity.

    And then, one day, it just sort of imploded. 

    The Berlin Wall came down, and that was pretty much it. In what seemed to be a flash, the “invincible” global superpower known as the U.S.S.R. was gone. Dead. Finished. There are lessons from this relatively recent historical example for us to hold close as we watch the American spin a Statist empire come crashing down around us. How fast can America fall?

    Clinton: The Supreme Court is Wrong On The Second Amendment



    Imagine waking up the morning after the November elections to read those chilling headlines.

    Imagine everything from so-called “Universal Background Checks” (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION), to the Feinstein Gun Ban -- to even the United Nations’ so-called “Small Arms Treaty” -- headed for us like a freight train. 

    As the Founders Intended

    At the National Association for Gun Rights, not only do we work tirelessly to defend against attacks on our Second Amendment Freedoms, but we work to advance true firearms freedom in the form of Constitutional Carry legislation.
    Constitutional Carry is the simple idea that law-abiding people shouldn’t be forced to get a government permission slip to exercise their right to self-defense. No one should be treated like a criminal simply for wishing to carry a firearm in defense of themselves or their family.
    NAGR strongly believes that Constitutional Carry is the way our founders intended for citizens to exercise their constitutionally protected right to bear arms. NAGR has helped propose Constitutional Carry legislation in dozens of states, and was instrumental in passing Constitutional Carry in both Kansas and Maine in 2015.

    Megyn Kelly Special: Trump defends tone, says bid will be ‘complete waste’ if he doesn’t win

    Donald Trump, in an extensive interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, responded to critics of his barbed campaign style by saying he never would have been successful in the primary race if he had acted “presidential” and held back on hitting his political rivals – while declaring that if he doesn’t win the election this fall, he’ll consider his campaign a “complete waste.”
    The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was blunt in describing the stakes of the 2016 race as he sees it. Without a victory in the fall, he said, he won’t be able to lower taxes, strengthen the military or “make America great.”

    “I will say this: If I don’t go all the way, and if I don’t win, I will consider it to be a total and complete waste of time, energy and money,” Trump said, in the interview that aired Tuesday night on Fox Broadcast Network affiliates.